Press releases 2023


CAFIPLA project develops innovative biomass pretreatment process for the bioeconomy

The use of biomass for the bioeconomy has so far focused primarily on sugar- or starch-based raw materials, which are associated with high environmental costs in terms of land use and energy and resource consumption. Against this background, the aim of the "CAFIPLA" research project with the participation of the DBFZ was to use at least 80 per cent biogenic waste from households as mixed input biomass for the production of platform chemicals and for fibre recovery. To this end, the project was able to implement a pragmatic approach for the pre-treatment of biomass. read more


Status Conference Bioenergy presents diverse research contributions to the energy transition

At the recent Status Conference Bioenergyin Leipzig, more than 150 scientists from the Bioenergy Research Network met with representatives from industry and politics to discuss the exciting potential of biogenic residues and waste materials for the energy transition. In over forty talks, five workshops and a poster session, researchers and companies presented innovative research achievements and current scientific topics. The conclusion of the three-day conference: Bioenergy is a valuable piece of the puzzle towards a flexible and resilient energy system of the future and at the same time makes a substantial contribution to the circular economy. read more


IEA expert workshop discusses deployment perspectives for green hydrogen from biomass

Stakeholders from industry and science as well as representatives of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) have discussed the application perspectives of green hydrogen in biobased processes at a workshop of the International Energy Agency (IEA Bioenergy). The results, which have now been published, serve as a basis for the development of an overview and evaluation of promising concepts for deployment within the framework of the IEA Inter-Task Project "Synergies of green hydrogen and bio-based value chains deployment". read more


Small, clean, efficient and affordable: DBFZ scientists develop mini cookstove for Africa

Deforestation in African regions and many other parts of the world is increasing rapidly. The reasons for this are growing population and the increased use of wood/charcoal as cooking fuel. Against this background, a cookstove was developed for special requirements in Togo as part of the "LabTogo" project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The DBFZ's new development not only requires significantly less fuel than traditional stoves, but also has lower emissions during operation. read more


Leipzig researchers present modelling results of optimal biomass use in the energy transition

What is the optimal role of limited biomass in the national energy transition and what are the priority target markets for bioenergy sources? These questions were addressed by a team of researchers from the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in the successfully completed research project "SoBio - Scenarios of optimal biomass use for energy by 2030 and by 2050". read more


Joint project: "PülpeGas" develops pilot plant for the full utilisation of wheat pulp at Zeitz Chemical and Industrial Park

Energy-intensive industry can achieve great added value and efficiency gains through synergies in chemical parks. However, bioenergy plants have so far rarely been directly integrated into continuous processes in the industrial environment. In the joint project "Pülpegas" (FKZ: 03EI5442), funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, this problem area is to be addressed by developing and demonstrating wheat pulp mono-fermentation on an industrial scale and by developing and implementing an innovative industrial biogas plant with a capacity of up to 60GWh/year at the Zeitz site in the long term. read more


Chemicals from residues – Leipzig scientists bring chemical production at biogas plants to pilot scale

How can chemicals for the bioeconomy be produced on a large scale from regional residues? This question is being investigated by a team of researchers from the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) together with industrial partners in the new "CapUp" project. The aim of the project is to scale up their process developed previously at a multi-purpose demonstration plant for recovering caproic and caprylic acid for the chemical industry. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Read more