Biochemical Conversion Department
The Biochemical Conversion Department concentrates on research into the production of energy carriers from biomass with the participation of microorganisms. The focus is on the technology for the production and use of biogas.
A technically optimised biochemical conversion is associated with many challenges. Technical, biological and chemical, as well as logistical, legal, ecological and economic questions have to be considered. Increasing the efficiency of the overall process in combination with cost reduction is one of the main goals of the research. The research topics resulting from the increasing flexibility of the operation of biogas plants - in particular the new demands on technology and process control - are also addressed. In addition, the department deals with the efficient use of material flows, the closure of nutrient cycles and accompanies the demonstration of new and improved plants and components.
All activities take place against the background of a comprehensive evaluation of the market and the state of the art, which is guaranteed by participation in various monitoring projects. Within the framework of the intensive cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, a variety of questions regarding the properties of the microorganisms involved and their population dynamics are answered.
The research focus area "Anaerobic Processes" deals with selected topics in the field of biogas.
The working groups
The working group Characterization and design of anaerobic processes" is working on the analysis and optimization of material flows relevant for biochemical conversion. This includes substrates that are used in conversion plants as well as partial streams that arise as by-products from the conversion plants. These are, for example, waste or renewable raw materials for the plants and fermentation residues from biogas plants or sludges from alcoholic fermentation, which may be used after treatment.
Focus topics of the working group:
- Substrate and process characterisation
- disintegration
- additives
- process development
Contact person:
Dr. Nils Engler
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-389
Due to the ever-increasing demands on the efficiency and sustainability of biochemical conversion technologies, research and development to improve environmental impacts is carried out in the "System Optimisation" working group.
Focus topics of the working group:
- System optimisation and integration
- Emission situation and measurements
- Economic evaluation biogas/ biomethane
- Monitoring/ plant database biogas/ biomethane
- policy advice
Further information on the working group
Contact person:
Dipl.- Umweltwiss. Jaqueline Daniel-Gromke (Head of the working group)
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-441
E-Mail | Profile
The applied biogas technologies are subject to strong development. Based on the knowledge of material flows and biological interrelationships, research work is carried out in the working group to optimise technologies and components for the provision and use of biogas.
Focus topics of the working group:
- Identification of technical weaknesses in operation
- Analysis of the overall efficiency of biogas plants
- Technical evaluation of plants and components
- Concept development for the generation of biogas from residual and waste materials
Further information on the working group
Contact person:
Dr. Marcel Pohl (Head of the working group)
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-471
Agricultural systems and agricultural landscapes are subject to a variety of challenges. Thanks to its substrate flexibility, biogas technology, also in combination with material utilisation, offers opportunities to shape and develop agricultural systems and agricultural landscapes in a multifunctional way. This includes emission reductions (especially climate-relevant CH4 and N2O emissions, as well as indirectly climate-relevant NH3), e.g. through the fermentation of farm manure and other residual material streams. Expanding crop rotations and cultivation systems to include elements such as catch crops, fodder-legume mixtures, flowering permanent crops (e.g. wild perennial mixtures, fully grown silphia) can contribute to biodiversity protection, C storage (humus build-up, paludiculture on peatland sites), climate adaptation, e.g. by improving the water balance, and climate protection. climate adaptation, e.g. by improving the water balance (infiltration, restoration of impaired field capacity), soil protection (erosion protection, humus balance), water protection (against nutrient and sediment input) and at the same time maintain value creation networks for rural areas.
Focus topics of the working group:
- Emission-minimised fertiliser chains (especially by means of fermentation)
- Biogas as an enabling technology for productive, climate-friendly organic farming
- Utilisation of agricultural residues in consideration of the humus balance
- Multifunctional cultivation elements (catch crops, flowering permanent crops, agroforestry, palludicultures, legume mixes, etc.) and effects at farm and agricultural landscape level
- Economic evaluation of multifunctional substrates, especially for biogas/biomethane
- Emission-minimised organic fertiliser systems (consideration of fermentation residue chains, emission-minimised composting, biochar, etc.)
- Phytoremediation/phytomining and aquatic biomass
- Policy advice
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. agr. Walter Stinner (Head of the working group)
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-524
The application of rigorous process models provides valuable information for automated, efficient and safe operation of biochemical conversion technologies. Within the scope of the junior research group, suitable model structures and control procedures are implemented, evaluated and refined with regard to their direct application for process automation on industrial plants. The interdisciplinary research project thus provides the fundamental basis for development of model-based automation concepts for process monitoring and control during regular plant operation.
Focus topics of the working group:
- Process modelling and balancing
- Monitoring and control
- Model-based process optimisation
- System identification and parameter estimation
- Process and efficiency evaluation
- Validation in laboratory and industrial scale
Further information: Project page
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Sören Weinrich (Head of the working group)
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-341
E-Mail | Profile
The working group investigates the microbial ecology of anaerobic processes with the aim of optimizing biogas production on the basis of a deeper microbiological understanding of the process. A further goal is the exploitation of natural microbial resources for biotechnological application in the biochemical conversion of biomass. The research topics include the search for microbial indicators for process disturbances to develop new monitoring methods and early warning systems for the control of biogas reactors, as well as the biological substrate pretreatment of lignocellulose-rich substrates and the bioaugmentation of biogas reactors with enriched cultures from environmental systems.
Focus topics of the working group:
- Composition and activities of microbial communities - process understanding
- Monitoring tools and microbial early warning systems
- Lignocellulosic Substrates
- Pretreatment methods and bioaugmentation
Further information on the working group (UFZ)
Contact person:
Dr. Sabine Kleinsteuber
Phone: +49 (0)341 235-1325
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