Scientific staff positions

The five scientific staff units of the DBFZ are directly attached to the scientific general management of Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles. The coordinators for research, national and international knowledge and technology transfer, press and media and research data management work closely with the four research departments of the DBFZ and the heads of the five research focus areas. The aim is to tap synergies in strategic research and project orientation, consortium formation and internationalisation for the entire research centre.

Research coordination

The Research Coordination Unit supports and coordinates the networking of scientists between the five research priorities of the DBFZ and other research institutions and partner organizations. The aim is to use synergies and expertise in-house, to initiate concrete research cooperations and to find suitable funding for the implementation of the research idea. Further areas of research coordination include the collection and evaluation of scientific data to ensure scientific quality, the coordination of the exchange of information with the BMEL, the research advisory council and the implementation of the DBFZ doctoral programme.

Knowledge- and Technology Transfer

Bioenergy is an integral part of the renewable energy system and the targeted bioeconomy. Bioenergy technologies open up a wide range of new fields of innovation and innovation potential. The scientific staff unit "Knowledge- and Technology Transfer"  searches for, develops and links the application-oriented research of the DBFZ with new partners and R&D&I structures. The DBFZ's research partners from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also included in these structures. Further tasks are the design and implementation of internal inventions, the exploitation of industrial property rights, the knowledge and technology transfer as well as the establishment of own innovation structures in the field of spin-off promotion.

International knowledge- and technology transfer

The staff unit "International Knowledge and Technology Transfer" pursues the goal of making the scientific expertise of the DBFZ available to international partners through joint research projects, the exchange of doctoral students and reciprocal research stays. In addition, international networks are to be consolidated and selectively expanded. This also includes the initiation and mediation of mutual visits as well as the organisation of workshops and conferences. It is also the declared aim of the staff unit to further intensify cooperation with top international universities and non-university research institutes. Further information under International Activities.

Research data management

The staff unit "Research Data Management" guides the DBFZ scientists to achieve this goal and comply the FAIR-principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reuseable). Therefore, the research data management unit defines processes and policies, such as documentation through data management plans and metadata, for a structured, machine readable collection of any research data to accompany the data life cycle until final publication.