Services in the Thermo-chemical Conversion Department
The Thermo-chemical Conversion Department addresses a range of topics associated with the thermo-chemical conversion of biogenic solid fuels for the efficient, demand-based supply of power and/or heat or cold. All scientific and technical aspects along the entire utilization chain are considered, i.e.: production, supply and modification of the solid fuels; the conversion plant and its control; emissions cleaning as well as system and net integration.
The approach is both theoretical, by means of monitoring and basic observation, as well as practical, based on development work and optimisation. In order to expand the share of Germany’s energy mix obtained from renewables, as demanded by the government’s Climate Protection Initiative, the efficiency of the use of solid biofuels must be significantly increased. At the same time, environmental impact of energy related biomass utilization must be reduced – in particular, emission of fine dust, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
In response to those demands, the Thermo-chemical Conversion department investigates how the available biomass resources can be exploited, such as by the use of mixed biofuels. It is involved in the further optimisation existing combustion systems and the development of new equipment. Furthermore emission reduction and control including catalytic processes are investigated. Other efforts include the design of innovative control systems for combinations of bioenergy with other renewable energies, the development and optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) systems in all power ranges; and enabling efficient frameworks for demand-based energy production and integrationof bioenergy into grids.
Services in an overview
- Development, characterisation, pretreatment and additivation of fuels
- Combustion tests and comparative classification of the combustion properties
- Separator measurement with regard to dust emissions
- Investigation of catalyst technology
- Catalyst investigations on the test bed and in practice with regard to efficiency and emissions
- Catalyst screening in model and real gas
- Catalyst characterisation by physisorption and chemisorption measurement
- Catalyst synthesis
- Innovative concept development for integrated renewable heating systems
- Simulation of renewable heat solution options
You are interested in a research cooperation with the Thermo-chemical Conversion Department?
Please send us a message, we are looking forward to cooperate with you!
Your contact person: Dr. Volker Lenz (Head of department)
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-450
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