Employee directory

In the employee directory you will find contact information and profile pages for the DBFZ employees. The employees of the cooperation departments with the Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research, BEN and MicAs can be reached via the linked pages.


Work group leader

Field of work

Dr. Marco Selig started the DBFZ's DataLab in April 2021. The mission of his research group is to enable biomass researchers to utilise state-of-the-art methods of information technology and data science for their projects, with ease and benefit. The aim is to make research data available and sustainably usable according to FAIR principles.

  • Construction and expansion of the "Data Warehouse" safekeeping the DBFZ's data treasury
  • Research and development of innovative digital data products, such as scientific web applications for end users
  • Interactive visualization of complex data sets
  • Data science for and across all research areas of the DBFZ

Committee work

Since 2021permanent member of the Think Tank Digitalisation of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the working groups Research Data Management and AI & Data Accelerator
2021 - 2023Open Data Coordinator and Biometry representative