Employee directory

In the employee directory you will find contact information and profile pages for the DBFZ employees. The employees of the cooperation departments with the Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research, BEN and MicAs can be reached via the linked pages.

Field of work

The transfer of results and developments into society is an integral part of scientific work. Research will only have an impact if results are not just created, but also used! However, such transfer does not happen by itself. The KTT coordination therefore serves as central point of contact for our partners in industry and society.

Please do not hesitate to approach me with your ideas and challenges!

Together, we can develop solutions based on the matching DBFZ expertise.

I am also at your service if you are interested in a licence for one of our patents.

Curriculum vitae

Since 03/2020DBFZ, staff position Coordination KTT
09/2016 - 02/2020Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Department of KTT: innovation manager (business development)
06 - 08/2016Freelance writer (print & online texts)
11/2015 - 05/2016Saxon State Ministry of Science and Arts (SMWK): project-based employment as EU expert (research funding, European networks, thematic focus industrial biotechnology)
02/2007 - 01/2016Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, FNR): Expert EU & International Affairs; responsible for involvement in/coordination of European Area Networks (ERA-Nets)
10/2006 - 02/2007Freelance journalist for regional paper Rheinische Post, Mönchengladbach editorial office
05 - 09/2006Freelance forest inventory services
03 - 05/2006COMAFORS (Corporación de Manejo Forestal Sustentable), Quito, Ecuador: Volunteer
11/2005 - 01/2006Systain Consulting, Hamburg: Research Assistant Corporate Responsibility
09/2004 - 09/2005University of Edinburgh: Resource Management (MSc)
10/2001 - 09/2004Georg August University of Göttingen: Forest Sciences & Forest Ecology (BSc)

Committee work

Since 02/2022Saxon innovation cluster “Circular Saxony“: co-lead of a working group
12/2016 - 02/2020Network Energy & Environment NEU e.V. of the city of Leipzig: establishing & leading the “Cluster Team Environment”