Employee directory

In the employee directory you will find contact information and profile pages for the DBFZ employees. The employees of the cooperation departments with the Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research, BEN and MicAs can be reached via the linked pages.


Research associate

Field of work

André Herrmann is a research associate and project manager in the working group „gasification and synthesis gas processes“ and also assistant for occupational safety/quality manager/technical manager in the biorefinery technology center. His field of work includes thermo-chemical biomass gasification with regard to plant/reaction technology, process optimization, flexibilization and practical measurements in the biorefinery technology center and with real gas by partners. With the same emphasis, Mr. Herrmann also partially works in the field of fuel gas conditioning for subsequent technologies. Method development in the area of the measurement technology required for this (e.g. tar measuring method) is also part of his field of work.

Curriculum vitae

Since 04/2011Research associate at DBFZ
2007 - 2011Research associate at Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF in Magdeburg Germany with working topics biomass  gasification and gas cleaning
2001 - 2007Otto-von-Guericke-University: degreed engineer for process technology