Final Report - Global and Regional Spatial Distribution of Biomass Potentials
This project aims to assess the possibilities of achieving the IEKP targets for bioenergy in a regional and global context. On a regional as well as global level, the potentials of different biomasses were determined in different development scenarios until 2020. Furthermore, the extent to which remote sensing could contribute in improving the spatial specification of biomass resources and whether it could be used as a monitoring system for the early detection of land use changes was investigated. On the regional level, the spatial implications of energetic biomass use was analysed with regard to environmental impacts and land use conflicts. Depending on their significance of spatial impacts, instruments of spatial planning were assessed in order to steer the supply of bioenergy.
Titel: | Final Report - Global and Regional Spatial Distribution of Biomass Potentials |
Autoren: | Daniela Thrän, Katja Bunzel, Ulrike Seyfert, Vanessa Zeller, Marcel Buchhorn (DBFZ), Klaus Müller, Bettina Matzdorf, Nadin Gaasch, Kristian Klöckner, Inga Möller, Anja Starick, Juliane Brandes (ZALF), Kurt Günther, Markus Thum (DLR), Jürgen Zeddies, Nicole Schönleber, Wilhelm Gamer (ILB), Jörg Schweinle, Holger Weimar (vTI) |
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2011 |
Medium: | Broschüre (Print/PDF) |
Umfang: | 125 Seiten |
Dateigröße: | 3,5 MB |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Schlagworte: | Report, DBFZ, Potentials, Biomass, Distrubution |
Zitation: | Thrän, D.; Bunzel, K.; Seyfert, U.; Zeller, V.; Buchhorn, M.; Müller, K.; Matzdorf, B.; Gaasch, N.; Klöckner, K.; Möller, I.; Starick, A.; Brandes, J.; Günther, K.; Thum, M.; Zeddies, J.; Schönleber, N.; Gamer, W.; Schweinle, J.; Weimar, H. (2011). Global and Regional Spatial Distribution of Biomass Potentials: Status quo and options for specification. Final Report. (DBFZ-Report, 7). Leipzig: DBFZ. 122 S. |
Sonstiges: | Nicht barrierefrei |
ISSN (Online): | 2197-4632 |
ISSN (Print): | 2190-7943 |
DOI: | |
Preis: | Kostenfrei |
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