The poster of Bomin Yuan at DECHEMA FORUM 2024 and the 7th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY AND BIOBASED PRODUCTS presented the study investigating the effects of liquid digestate recirculation (LDR) on methane yield and process efficiency in anaerobic digestion (AD). LDR aims to enhance biogas production while reducing costs associated with transport, storage and nutrient recovery. By operating six identical bioreactors simultaneously, the research compared the performance of AD with and without LDR. The results showed that LDR increased methane yield by 11.7 %, while significantly reducing additive use by 84.4 % and fresh water consumption by 81.4 %. Despite the benefits, the accumulation of harmful compounds remains a concern and requires further investigation. This study also includes process modelling and validation through pilot plant upscaling, which will be carried out in the next step.
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Hendrik Etzold presented a poster on World Sustainable Energy Days 2024 in Wels ein Poster zum Thema "New value for biomass – Monetizing low emissions exemplified by GHG quota and nEHS". In a theoretical approach, it describes the effect of high prices for greenhouse gas reduction in the GHG quota in transport on the value of biomass. As a conversion path, the fuel supply through biomethane from various resources was chosen. The CO2 price in the national emissions trading system was used as a comparison.
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Christian Klüpfel's poster at the 13th DGAW Science Congress on Circular Economy and Resource Management presented the energetic utilization of residual biomass through anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal liquefaction or a combination of both processes. Experimental studies and process simulations are used to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility, comparing different scenarios and processes. The results show that hydrothermal liquefaction, especially in combination with anaerobic digestion in an agricultural context, is a promising option for the efficient use of biomass.
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One focus of the Pilot-SBG research and demonstration project is the process of catalytic methanation for the complete conversion of biogas from biogenic resources to methane. Biogas purification with adsorbents on the one hand and the selection of suitable catalysts on the other hand play a decisive role. Selina Nieß's poster at the 13th DGAW Science Congress "Circular and Resource Economy" at the TU Vienna presented the laboratory results supporting the selection of adsorbents and catalysts for the project. In addition to the technical requirements, economic and environmental aspects are also taken into account in the selection of suitable operating materials for the pilot plant in order to ensure sustainable and economically viable production.
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Renewable methane as a transport fuel can contribute to emission reductions in different sectors, e.g. heavy duty or maritime transport. The project PilotSBG (Pilot plant Synthesized BioGas) supports the development of innovative and sustainable value chains for producing renewable methane, based on biogenic waste and residues streams and hydrogen as well within a circular economy. The core processes of the plant are anaerobic digestion with subsequent catalytic methanation. An assessment of GHG emissions shall help to flag opportunities and risks for further optimization of the value chains. The product stream contains (i) biogas-based methane and (ii) methane from the methanation of the CO2 in the biogas stream using hydrogen (Fig.1). There are differences in the calculation method between (i) biofuels and (ii) renewable fuels of non-biogenic origin (RFNBO) according to the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII).
Autor:innen: Katja Oehmichen, Stefan Majer, Karin Naumann
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Autor:innen: Katja Oehmichen, Stefan Majer, Karin Naumann
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Hydrothermal liquefaction is investigated as a potential treatment technology for digestate. Three digestates from different scenarios are assessed based on their biochemical composition. Response surface methodology is used to highlight the influence of temperature, reaction time and content of protein, fat, carbohydrates and lignin on product yield. The fate of nutrients is determined via ICP-OES. GC-MS analysis of the biocrude oil reveals differences in molecular composition.
Autor:innen: Christian Klüpfel, Patrick Biller, Benjamin Herklotz
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The Pilot-SBG project (SBG = synthetic biogas) is a research and demonstration project for the production of renewable methane, which is to be used as a climate-friendly fuel in the transport sector. Therefore, the DBFZ planned a pilot plant on a technical scale, which is now in construction with planned operation start up in Q1/2023. In the pilot plant previously unused biogenic residues, by-products, and wastes are to be converted to renewable methane. The core processes of the plant are anaerobic digestion with subsequent catalytic methanation. The former is executed in two lines to compare the performance different reactor designs. The main objective is
to increase the methane yield using the carbon dioxide from the biogas process and externally supplied hydrogen.
Autor:innen: Philipp Knötig, Dr. Kati Görsch
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Autor:innen: Philipp Knötig, Dr. Kati Görsch
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