
Presentation by Bomin Yuan on "Recovery of nutrients and water from anaerobically digested straw and manure" at the 8. Fachtagung "Stroh, Gras = Biogas" Straubing digital on 7 March 2024.

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Presentation by Selina Nieß on the topic "From waste biomass to biofuel with catalysts for direct biogas methanation" on the occasion of the DECHEMA Jahrestreffens Fachsektion Energie, Chemie und Klima on 11 March 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

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Presentation by Selina Nieß on the topic "Thermochemical methanation - Basics" on the occasion of the webinar series "Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivates - Possibilities and Constraints" on 07.02.2024.

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Presentation by Hendrik Etzold on 23.01.2024 at the 21st Conference for Renewable Mobility Fuels of the Future on the topic "GHG quota as a driver for renewable methane from regional biogenic residues and waste materials".

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Presentation by Lilli Sophia Röder on the occasion of the annual meeting "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" from November 20 - 21, 2023 at DECHEMA-House, Frankfurt am Main on the topic "Integration of Demand Side Management in Process Cascades - Reduction of Storage Requirements and Cost Savings".

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Presentation by Jörg Schröder on the occasion of the 20th FAD Conference "Herausforderung – Abgasnachbehandlung" on the topic "Renewable Methane for Freight and Shipping".

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Presentation by Lilli Sophia Röder at the E2DT Conference in Palermo on the topic "Demand Side Management Implementation - in Downstream Digestate Treatment of a Biomethane Biorefinery"

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Presentation by Karin Naumann at the Gärproduktetagung in Straubing 2023 on the topic "Pilot plant for renewable methane - optimization of methane yield and resource efficiency"

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Presentation by Niels Dögnitz at EUBCE 2023

In order to achieve climate targets in transport, the greenhouse gas emission reduction quota (GHG quota) for petroleum companies was introduced in Germany. A complicated system of caps, limits, and multiple credits for different competing fuel options and new participants creates uncertainty in the market. The revenue from quota trading is a strong incentive for all producers of sustainable biomass fuel. However, the resulting quota price is difficult to determine due to regulatory complexity and thus represents an additional level of uncertainty. For better estimation, a model is designed to overcome these uncertainties. In this model, compliance options are ranked by lowest cost relative to their greenhouse gas savings (abatement costs). This ranking results in a merit order in the form of a supply curve, with the ratio forming the demand frontier. The modeling approach can be used to better understand the impact on the fuel market. The main objective is to determine the quota price, which is the driving force for quota trading. This can help to better assess the risk for renewable fuel options.

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Presentation by Christian Klüpfel at PYROLIQ II - 2023: Pyrolysis and Liquefaction of Biomass and Wastes at Schloss Hernstein (Austria), 2023

Christian Klüpfel, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, Germany. Patrick Biller, Aarhus University, Denmark. Benjamin Herklotz, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, Germany.

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Presentation by Philipp Knötig at the 3rd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonization in Seoul, Korea

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Selina Nieß received second place for the best presentation of the DGAW Science Award.

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"Karin Naumann, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH, präsentierte die Pilotanlage für synthetisches Biogas, die biogene Reststoffe, Nebenprodukte und Abfälle zu Methan für einen nachhaltigen Verkehrssektor. Dabei wurde die Produktion mit grünem Wasserstoff aus 100% erneuerbarem Strom eine Treibhausgaseinsparungen von 78%, so Naumann in ihrem Bericht."

Source: 20th International Conference on Renewable Mobility CONFERENCE REVIEW

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Karin Naumann, Jörg Schröder, Franziska Müller-Langer, Kati Görsch

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Kati Görsch, Karin Naumann, Jörg Schröder 

21-23 June 2022, Jahrestagung Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

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Dr. Friederike Naegeli de Torres, Tom Karras, Sebastian Semella

Deutsches Flächennutzungssymposium (DFNS), 15 June 2022

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