Project: Energetic utilisation of agricultural residues in China and Germany (ChinaRes)

Within the scope of the Sino-German working group, the knowledge about energetic utilization of agricultural residues shall be merged. The project objectives are (a) to identify the barriers for the use of different agricultural residues from animal and plant production, (b) to develop conceptual proposals for a better design and a coordinated operation of barns and biogas plants, and (c) to edit the project results in a way that they can be provided to the wider public. Sino-German workshops for exchange of knowledge about the state of the art of technology and research are planned as well as technical tours to best-case-plants in both countries in order to cross-link the stakeholder.

Main objectives:

  • To tap unused potential of agricultural residues like straw & manure
  • Reduction of emissions which occur during the storage of manure
  • Cross-linking of Chinese and German stakeholder of the biogas sector

Project Duration: November 2017 - July 2021

Funded by:  The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) via the project executing agency Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) under the funding number 22025816.


Winners of the Biogas Innovation Award 2021

As part of the Biogas Innovation Congress, the annual German Agriculture Biogas Innovation Award was again presented in 2021. Together with their Chinese colleagues Hui Sun and Jianbin Guo from the China Agricultural University in Beijing, Prof. Dr Walter Stinner and Dr. Britt Schumacher received this year's Innovation Award for the joint project "Straw silage with liquid digestate - a cost-efficient storage and processing method for biogas production" in the "Science" category. The prize in the "Business" category went to Christoph Heitmann from Benas Biopower GmbH.

The official award ceremony took place on 24th of June 2021 during the Biogas Innovation Congress. As every year, the Biogas Innovation Prize of German Agriculture is awarded to the two most innovative entries in the two categories of science and business. The science prize is endowed with € 10,000.00 and is provided by the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. The two prize winners have been selected from among the entries within the framework of the call for papers.