Changes in the Rift - soils in Sidama



Land degradation through erosion and overuse are clearly visible in the Ethiopian Rift Valley during inland flights. Happily, strengthened efforts in watershed management, reforestation and agroforestry are also visible in some places.
A Team of the DBFZ visited the Sidama Region (16th to 18th January 2023) and gained new insights on ongoing development efforts. Colleagues from the GIZ project ‘Strengthening Rural Value Chains in Ethiopia’, Abiy Amanuel and Tafesech Bolka, outlined their plans for strengthened production and processing of soya beans, avocado and onion. They rendered invaluable support to Kerstin Wilde and the DBFZ project coordinator, Getachew Eshete Beyene (PhD), by facilitating contact establishment to relevant stakeholders. Regional visions for soil rehabilitation, potentials and needs were discussed with the Sidama Bureau of Agriculture at Hawassa as well as with the Manager of a nearby agro-industrial park and two entrepreneurs.
In addition, the team exchanged perspectives with the Vice President for Research and Academic Affairs of Hawassa University, Tafesse Matewos (PhD). Research on soil properties, carbon sequestration and fertilizer suitability for main crops is spearheaded by Prof. Sheleme Beyene, Alemayehu kiflu (PhD) and Wassie Haile (PhD). Meanwhile the future of the Southern Agricultural Research Institute is under discussion. New regional delineations will become effective in the very near future.