2nd Soil Symposium: Soil amelioration - The circular way!



On 13 February, the 2nd Soil Symposium will take place at ILRI campus in Addis Ababa. Alongside inspirational keynote speaches by renowned experts Getachew Agegnehu (ICRISAT) and Prof. Sheleme Beyene (Hawassa University), this year’s soil symposium provides a platform for reasearchers and practitioners to present and exchange their experiences with biochar-based biofertilizers for the regeneration of soil fertility in Ethiopia. Ongoing research supported by the ETH-Soil project is presented as well as further research conducted  in Ethiopia. For the latter, the best presentation will be awarded a prize by a German-Ethiopian committee. Furthermore, the Soil Symposium will include presentations on the topics of bioslurry-based fertilizers and biochar certification.

You can join the webconference via Webex here: https://dbfz.webex.com/dbfz/j.php?MTID=m9df8311bc92f134a8c16eff945d412f8

You can find the documentation of the 1st and 2nd Soil Symposium here: https://edms.dbfz.de/seafile/d/20581b69c3ef492189be/